Saturday, two things happened that was unexpected and new.
The house about a block from my house caught on fire. Yup, there was a fire about a block from my house. There was smoke everywhere and it slowly became hot all around the place. Fire trucks and policemen came ten minutes later, the block was closed off to the public for about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, I sat on my chair and drank some soda. I never found out how the fire got started, my current and most used explination would be "fire by kitchen" as it happens quite often in homes these days.
The next thing that happened was less dangerous, but strange. I was looking through the mail and came across one of those coupon offer things from dominos pizza. In the front, I see a picture of a pizza with vanilla frosting, oreo pieces, and icing on top of a thin crust. Cookies and pizza, together? That's madness! Now I'm sure it's tasty, but wouldn't this cause more kids to get fat?
That's all I got, laters.